Environmental Policy
The understanding of the need for environmental protection forms an integral part of the company’s business philosophy. I am committed to protecting the environment and preventing pollution. I believe that my Company has a responsibility not to compromise the ability of future generations to sustain their needs.
The impact that any of our activities, those of our clients / contractors, may have on the environment is an area of concern.
I will seek to reduce our consumption of non-renewable resources, and whenever practicable will select materials which have the least negative impact on the environment throughout their life cycle.
Environmental protection will have equal status to considerations for health, safety and quality.
In confirming our commitment to protection of the environment we will treat environmental regulations that apply to our activities as minimum standards and where appropriate aim to better them. We will provide information to sub-contractors, customers and end users of our services to ensure that misuse will not be the cause of damage to the environment.
I as the Managing Director have the ultimate responsibility for the environmental policy and supporting environmental management system.
The environmental policy will be brought to the attention of all employees and will be made available to the general public via the company website and reviewed annually to assess its effectiveness, compliance with environmental law and to ensure that it reflects changing needs and circumstances.
Whilst recognising the fundamental responsibility of the company and its employees for environmental protection, particular attention will be paid to the following areas: –
Waste Management – waste will be kept to a minimum, compatible with best industry practises. Only licensed waste contractors will be used to dispose of waste. Our sub-contractors shall be encouraged to apply the principals of this policy but shall be required to ensure they comply with the minimum relevant legislation.
and Fauna in and around project locations.
Every effort shall be made to minimise the effects of the company activity on the flora and fauna within and around project sites. Specific tender stage checks shall be carried out to establish site specific conditions and the presence of any protected and or at risk species.
Eliminate – In all instances the aim of the company is to eliminate waste and create a circular economy
Reduce – where ever possible all waste will be reduced to the minimum.
Reuse– all materials will be repeatedly used to ascertain the full life cycle of each product
Recycling – whenever practicable materials will be purchased from suppliers who obtain products from replaceable sources.
It is the intention of the company to create a circular economy thus reducing overall waste within the company
Noise/Dust Light – will be suppressed, where practical, to ensure that no nuisance is caused to neighbouring establishments or the general public.
Conservation of energy – The Managers shall introduce and monitor efficient and economic use of energy in the form of heating and lighting with the objective of reducing the use of energy.
Training – All employees shall be made aware of the objectives of this policy and the contribution expected from them. Employees with high-risk tasks shall be trained in the environmental aspects associated with those tasks.
Environmental Objectives – will be set, monitored and reviewed to provide a management tool for my company to achieve the general aims set out in this policy statement and help achieve continuous improvement in our environment performance.
Legislative Compliance – regular environmental assessments shall be carried out to ensure compliance with the legislation and the application of best available practice in environmental protection.
All employees are equally responsible for complying with this Environmental Policy and are encouraged to suggest improvements to this end
Following its initial adoption, this Policy will be reviewed by the Company’s Board of Directors at the scheduled Management Meeting and may be amended from time to time.
Brian Duffy
Managing Director
Aughton Automation